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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023


  • You are totally right AND He’s making a valid point with his sarcastic joke of “shut up, nerd!”

    “Nobody cares” means companies dont want to spend money to incorporate it if there’s no demand from consumers.

    Most consumers have no idea what a jpeg even is.

    It won’t be until Apple or someone brands it as an iPeg and claims you have a smol pp if your device doesn’t have it that folks will notice.

    Im reminded of telling folks about shoutcasts and nobody cared. Then apple comes out with podcasts and everyone was suddenly excited about 8 year old streaming tech

  • I second this.

    I have a nextcloud instance on pi4 for personal use and love it.

    It’s not good for live transcoding of video, but works great for calendars, file sharing, photo sharing and music streaming.

    I have a 500 gig SSD for most stuff and a 6TB HDD for backups and archiving.

    I use docker compose to map a folder called archive in my instance to the HDD.

  • You make an excellent point!

    I expect electric will soon be much cheaper than gas cars. Battery prices are still falling, despite the demand outpacing supply. Lithium refineries and mines are in the works and should be online in 5 years.

    More importantly, electric cars are much simpler than gas cars. Anyone saying otherwise has no appreciation for the genius behind modern motors, transmissions, traction control and exhaust systems. There are an order of magnitude the number of moving parts in a combustion engine than an electric motor.

    The price is higher because of the still-young supply chain for batteries and the infantile production lines for EVs.

  • Bot to be a hard-on about it, but if the cameras hace any problem autopilot ejects gracefully and hands it over to the driver.

    I aint no elon dicj rider, but I got FSD andd the radar would see manhole covers and freak the fuck out. It was annoying as hell and pissed my wife off. The optical depth estimation is now far more useful than the radar sensor.

    Lidar has severe problems too. I’ve used it many times professionally for mapping spaces. Reflective surfaces fuck it up. It delivers bad data frequently.

    Cameras will eventually be great! Really they already are, but they’ll get orders of magnitude better. Yeah 4 years ago the ai failed to recognize a rectagle as a truck, but it aint done learning yet.

    That driver really should have been paying attention. Thee car fucking tells you to all the time.

    If a camera has a problem the whole system aborts.

    In the future this will mean the car will pull over, but it’'s, as it makes totally fucking clear, in beta. So for now it aborts and passes control to the human that is payong attention.