I think he means native sponsored segment when you’re the first person to watch with sponsor blocks. But that’s mostly only videos realeased under 5 minutes ago.
I think he means native sponsored segment when you’re the first person to watch with sponsor blocks. But that’s mostly only videos realeased under 5 minutes ago.
I’m using newpipe but the anybility to find content with youtubr’s content discovery algorithm or a locally running one makes for a lot yif very annoying tab switching and scrolling to the bottom of newpipe thousand item playlist. I’m going to try this rvx!
My seedbox is locked and load, please point me to the. Torrent in need. Archive team assemble!
Oignon, oignon powder, water, bread, shredded cheese, cook until cooked
Answer, you’re using it wrong /stevejobs
A normal person would say ‘strawberry with two "r"s’
Yes, nobody asking that question is wonderring about the “straw” part of the word. They’re asking, is the “berry” part one, or two "r"s
The locked bootloader of the future with blob driver that keep you stuck on kernel 4.16 forever?
Just how much of a regression will this future bring? Yes, I am very bitter to have discovered my phone is not rootable, if that’s the future tgen fuck the future.
Yes, come play outside, Elon, come play with, me, he, he, he
10s of millions if twitter refugees and how many came here?
It could very well be another decade before these people are sold out again.
Oops no such thing as a neutral state structure, thank you come again
Time for the fediverse to reflect on this lamentable failure to capture the zeitgeist. The future could have been glorious. Instead we have infighting, defederation, owner class privilege with their delegates (moderators) as the first class citizen. And of course, hiding the structures of power has already begun in the name of harmony, so no, you can’t have frictionless account migration. Don’t step out of line if you don’t want to lose your fediverse relationships and history…
It’s carrier unlocked, but not bootloader unlocked, which what is needed for admin level access and removing the bloat
Carrier unlock and bootloader unlock are very different things. All my 60x motorola Z phones can use any carrier Well, they could if I hadn’t replaced the antenna with a dummy resistor but that’s beside the point. The point is I cannot have administrative access to my phone and that means I cannot change something I really really need to change on them to make them useful for my purpose.
Essentially, I cannot “sudo” on these phones and that’s making them very difficult to use.
I can neither deny or confirm whether I am based
No, they will give me root access to the devices that I own. Or they will cease operations on this planet.
Probably just don’t know what dark mode is
No darkmode… Pedestrian flash banging the plane
Just pay the 1$ per month of a lowendbox. Com
The problem is yt premium is not able to sustain google’s platform. Only google’s synergic monopolies make youtube possible and alternative financially unviable. Youtube, very literally, must die. As long as youtube exists it will maintain critical mass and kill everything else judt by existing. To fund youtube is to reinfotce this entrenchment. Both paying or watching ads and arguably just watching it, empowers google momooly position and its capture of the zeitgeist.