There’s already been a vetting process to weed out some resolutions, but this one made it through, which suggests “someone in the party thinks that this is worth debating,” Young said.

“I think this reminds us that the base of the UCP is host to a pretty substantial group of people who do not believe that climate change is real, or they don’t believe that it is driven by human activity, and they think that any actions taken to transition away from fossil fuels are unnecessary.”

  • Jerkface (any/all)
    5 months ago

    Canada was created as a colonialist apparatus, that exists to facilitate the extraction of natural and human resources, and transfer them to private ownership. It’s literally the reason the country exists, and it has never been reformed. We just cover it up with PR. We don’t emit greenhouse gasses because we are trying to terraform the planet, it’s just the most profitable way to exploit our resources right now.