My gender is my concern, but you may use any pronoun to refer to me

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • I don’t know what you mean. What is “the other thing?” I didn’t reference any such. The existence of government management over alcohol and its taxation does not necessarily mean that money has to become “addictive” by going into general revenue. If the exploitation of vulnerable people is to be avoided, this money must go to strictly to dealing with the societal and personal effects of alcohol.

    The same goes for government involvement with gambling.

  • Funny how there is no alternative method of reducing or reversing the growing wealth disparity presented. The class of people who have done better than not only every other Canadian but virtually everyone else on Earth since the last world war that they ALSO profited from is telling us it is unfair to them while a growing number of people cannot eat and house themselves any longer. The very reason people cannot afford to survive is because the top is taking a larger portion of our productivity every single year.


    Pipsqueak is one of the Conservative Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Like the Biblical Horsemen, everything he says and does is bad. Everything that is good that he touches withers and dies.

    Pipsqueak, who Harper actually named minister of state for democratic reform, is in fact one of the most despicable, loathsome politicians to ever grace the national stage. He is a pestilence made flesh.

    A refresher: Pipsqueak is the Conservative MP who famously joked about “tar babies” in the House of Commons, a derogatory term to describe blacks. He is the MP who attacked Harper for compensating aboriginal residential schools victims, opining that what those lazy natives needed was “hard work.” He is the MP who told his fellow MPs “f— you guys,” and then later said he would “confiscate” the tape of the occasion.

    He is the Conservative MP who can always be counted upon to do the bidding of the adolescents in PMO. He is the MP who even big-C Conservative commentators, like the Ottawa Citizen’s Randy Denley, say is the poster child of “red-necked bigots” in his Nepean-Carleton riding. Ouch.

    There is more, much more, but you get the point. Pipsqueak Pierre Poilievre is a disgrace to Parliament. He is a joke. And whatever Harper may have accomplished with his shuffle was unalterably diminished by the promotion of Pipsqueak.

    I guess everyone gets a turn eventually when the talent pool is that shallow.