From the text it seems like a site only gets added to the navigation history if the user interacts with it.
From the text it seems like a site only gets added to the navigation history if the user interacts with it.
Telling a Debian user that Mint isn’t the most up to date struck me as pretty funny.
I’ve been using LibreOffice and before that OpenOffice for as long as I’ve known about them being options. It’s honestly baffling to me that any home user would ever pay for MS Office. What on Earth does it offer that any home user could conceivably need?
Half Life Alyx, Lone Echo, and Asgard’s Wrath are all incredible experiences that actually feel like “real games” that made meaningful and justifiable use of VR.
Beat Saber and Robo Recall get honorable mentions from me as well because while neither is groundbreaking, both execute their particular niche more or less perfectly.
Browsing various VR software storefronts now you find basically nothing like any of the above. Everything seems to be trying to mimic the mobile game “quick distraction” approach and shovel out as much garbage as possible rather than creating anything engaging. For anyone who believes that VR has genuine potential for exciting new experiences, as I do, it’s incredibly disheartening.
I’m looking at the one for my OLED deck right now and it’s labelled as 45W (20V 2.25A).
Hence the thicker gauge wire.
The Steam Deck charger is 45W.
“Dumb” power cords have thicker gauge wire than USB-C cables and much larger contacts.
When I initially set up my media server I went with Jellyfin over Plex mostly because the idea of having to create an account on an external service to use software I was hosting myself rubbed me the wrong way. Since then the more learn about Plex the more baffled I am that anyone chooses to use it at all.
I did say “the features it enables”, not every Nitro feature.
Wait, so for this to work access to the Nitro features it enables must be managed client-side and the client is fully trusted with no validation? That seems… unwise on the part of Discord.
So it’s literally up front and in their FAQ that they do this. So why is this a story?
Also self-hosted video often has really shitty players.
It’s much better to face these kinds of things
Seagate in general are unreliable in my own anecdotal experience. Every Seagate I’ve owned has died in less than five years. I couldn’t give you an estimate on the average failure age of my WD drives because it never happened before they were retired due to obsolescence. It was over a decade regularly though.
The manual of mine specifically points this out and says that if you go three months without burning any fuel the engine will start being used until about a third of a tank is consumed.
Bad design. Plenty of EVs have their brake pedal apply a mixture of regen and friction braking, with the actual proportions dependent on factors like how quickly you hit the brake (soft braking is entirely regen, slamming the brakes apples almost entirely actual brakes in my experience), or how much charge is in the battery (you can’t safely pump power from regen into a nearly full battery).
Plenty of them also let you control how much passive regen happens when you lift the pedal, with the default on mine at least feeling very similar to the slowing you get when lifting off the gas with an automatic transmission. It’s adjustable from none at all to moderate braking force, and when I turn it up lifting my foot from the gas illuminates my brake lights.
It doesn’t matter if you have 2 Gigabit internet if no one in the world is uploading even half that fast. A single download on Steam is like 450 Mbps
This sounds more like the infrastructure in your area just isn’t up to delivering those speeds, regardless what the last mile to the home is.
I promise you Steam’s CDN absolutely can deliver more than 450Mbps. It regularly maxes out my 1.5 Gbps at home, and I have no doubt that it could potentially go even faster than that if I had a better connection.
Like plugging a 10Gbps network switch into a 100Mbps gateway, it sounds like a fast final link to the home is being choked out by poor infrastructure in the region and can’t be fully utilized.
I know someone who has a company with the word “technology” in the name, like “Smith Technology”. They use .technology because it’s literally the name of the company, which I think is good for the brand identity, but have run into issues where people just don’t think it’s a correct url because “” looks like it’s missing its TLD.
Ads on a service I directly paid for was the line for me as well. I have no tolerance for that nonsense and it boggles my mind that anyone else does either.
If even a tenth of the subscriber base for any of these services cancelled because of ads they’d be gone so fast you’d get whiplash, and yet most people just put up with it.