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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2022

  • Hugo isn’t a server, per se. It’s basically just a template engine. It was originally focused on turning markdown into web pages, with some extra functionality around generating indexes and cross-references that are really what set it apart from just a simple rendering engine. And by now, much of its value is in the huge number of site templates built for Hugo. But what Hugo does is takes some metadata, whatever markdown content you have, and it generates a static web site. You still need a web server pointed at the generated content. You run Hugo on demand to regenerate the site whenever there’s new content (although, there is a “watch” mode, where it’ll watch for changes and regenerate the site in response). It’s a little fancier than that; it doesn’t regenerate content that hasn’t changed. You can have it create whatever output format you want - mine generates both HTML and gmi (Gemini) sites from the same markdown. But that’s it: at its core, it’s a static site template rendering engine.

    It is absolutely suitable for creating a portfolio site. Many of the templates are indeed such. And it’s not hard to make your own templates, if you know the front-end technologies.

  • In the US, and I’m guessing most everywhere else, developers are part of the problem. They buy properties that may currently have affordable housing on them and redevelop to more expensive units. They’re also responsible for the disappearance of ownable housing - over there past decades, they’ve been buying houses that have come on the market and turned them into rentals, or torn them down and put in denser rental units. They’re responsible for urban sprawl, turning farmland into suburbs.

    Some of this is supply and demand, but don’t discount marketing and encouraging growth in demand for suburb housing over more sustainable urban housing.

    Finally, when articles like this talk about “developers,” they don’t mean the people who know how to build buildings: they mean the mega corporations who are purchasing property to own indefinitely, removing properties from ever being able to be purchased by families. Even in cases as in the article, “condos” are just fancy rentals. You “buy” it, but the developer (who is also usually the ultimate property manager) gets maintenance and other fees - they’re for-profit HOAs.

    “Developers” provide little benefit, and such is vastly outweighed by the damage they’ve caused in contributing to the current housing crisis: the inability of younger generations to afford to buy houses, or afford rent, and the increase in homelessness in western countries.

    One of the larger Nordic cities - Stockholm, Helsinki, something like that - passed laws a few years ago to restrict property developers in order to preserve affordable housing and prevent gentrification.

    Property developers are not our friends.

  • Docker of one version of software that uses Linux containers to encapsulate software and that software’s dependencies, while limiting that software’s access to the underlying OS. It’s chroot, but for more of the system. It can make running software that has a lot of moving parts and dependencies easier. It can also improve your security running that software.

    For how-tos, watch one of the 875,936 YouTube tutorials, or read one of the 3 million text tutorials. Or ask ChatGPT, if you really need hand-holding.

  • Related, but just hanging this on here. As the default (as installed) security of distributions has improved, so have the amount of headaches when trying to use tools like this increased. For decades, when I’ve had issues like this is not been because of a LAN firewall issue, and so now my first thought is never been, “I should check the firewall,” when it should.

    Sadly, firewall info is almost always locked down so that apps can’t even check by themselves and provide helpful hints to users.

    Anyway, it’s been a hard lesson for me to learn, for some reason. I need to practice my mantra: it’s always the firewall.

  • Your point is a very important one. The numbers have to come up so that manufacturers notice. It might make the difference in a laptop designer choosing a well-Linux-supported wifi chip, instead of a shitty, closed chipset like Broadcom. When the price-per-unit difference is pennies, knowing that you’re potentially losing some thousands of customers in exchange for saving a few cents per unit can make the difference in how you choose.

    It also matters in user choice in the workplace. The more normalized Linux is, the more likely there will be skills in IT support, more mass-management tools, and more willingness to allow employees to choose their OS.

    But where it really matters is in standards. Diversity puts pressure on software developers to use standardized and open data exchange standards. I can’t emphasize enough how important diversity in OSes is to driving creation of, and conformance to, standards, and how much of an anathema to standards monocultures are.

    Even within OSS this is true: github and git have become monocultures; they aren’t standards, they’re tools developers are forced to use if they want to interact with the wider development world in any meaningful way. They’re not bad; git became dominant largely because github used to be so fantastically better than anything else available at the time; but now, their very dominance stiffles diversity and innovation. Want to try the rather exciting pijul, the patch-based spiritual successor to darcs? Fuck you, because you won’t be able to collaborate with anyone, and you repos won’t work with any proglang module systems like cargo or Go modules, because it isn’t git[1]. Monocultures are bad, whether they’re evil corporation software, or FOSS.

    Higher Linux use increases diversity, encourages data format standards, and creates a healthier ecosystem. That’s why these numbers are important.

    [1] Go and Rust’s cargo support more VCSes than git, but they could easily not, and I’m sure the maintainer’s of the vcs code wish they could drop support for some of the long tails - and everything that isn’t git is on the long tail at this point. There are attempts at creating some standards around this; ActivityPub has tossed around ideas, forgefriends has been trying for a breakthrough for years - none of them address the root issue of how tools can access sourcecode efficiently in a way abstracted from the underlying vcs. Any such tool currently must have some bespoke code to speak the network language of the vcs, for every vcs. And since git is the most popular, when faced with the daunting task of supporting N vcses, when N-1 of them are in toto used by a small percent of users, it’s just easier to support only git.

  • K, this is one of those “and now I’m afraid to ask” memes, but comnents like yours have me super confused. What’s all the CUDA about?

    I have 2 machines with AMD CPU/GPU hardware. SOC maybe? I really didn’t pay much attention outside of wanting the extra CPU cores for… reasons. They’re both Ryzen, one’s a 5, 'tother a 7. The GPU component has always worked fantastically, but I don’t stress it much as I’m not a gamer. The CPU component has been a dream for my many-threaded needs. And so I’m confused when people chip in about this news complaining about AMD. What, exactly, isn’t working for people, and why don’t I notice it?

  • How is the state of tilig WMs? Last time I ried Wayland, mixing and matching WMs and status bars was really flakey, with font scaling and rendering issues. There are certain things I will no longer compromise on in a WM, and if I wanted to be forced to use a specific desktop to get a working graphical environment (functioning scaling, for instance), I’d use a Mac.

    Herbstluftwm hasn’t been ported - is there a similar configuration file-less tiling WM? On X, I could also settle for bspwm; both WMs are completely configurable on the command line. How about bars? I’m using polybar right now, but there are a dozen to choose from under X, any of which I can use with whichever WM (and have it function properly).

    Again, mere months ago, trying to get font scaling to work properly with the same scaling in all applications was messed up. Under X, if I set a font and size in any program (that supports font selection), I get the same apparent font size - because programs get fonts from X and the same code does all font rendering which makes everything consistent. How is that on Wayland, now, because that was a major deal-breaker last a couple of months ago.

  • While I applaud compensating FOSS developers, there’s a devil in the details: all software stands on the shoulders of many giants. The nature of software, and software users, means that most money is going to go to front-end developers, regardless of effort. They, in turn, would have to rigorously re-distribute most of that money to the developers of the great many many libraries and frameworks that their software depends on. I would argue that it is practically impossible for this trickle-down to happen fairly, which would result in developers of deep, indirect dependencies used by everyone being ignored. Throw a shitty, low-effort GUI on restic, and you’d end up with all the donations. If you’re ethical, you’d give 99 cents for every dollar to the restic devs; how likely is that? An added wrinkle is that people are really bad about estimating the relative worth of their efforts; even if everyone in the stack is ethical, how do you estimate the relative value of your effort against the effort of the database binding library you use? How much of your donations do you give to each developer of the 40 libraries you directly import?

    Another issue I personally have is that compensation invites obligation. It breaks the itch-scratching foundation of FOSS.

    Finally, I think introducing money into FOSS is a virus that ultimately destroys the only functioning communism in the world. It changes developer behavior, or at least introduces perverse incentives, in undesireable ways. I’d rather end-users contribute in whatever way they can: well-written bug reports, PRs that fix spelling in docs, wiki “how-to” contributions, code contributions. From each, according to ability. That’s what keeps FOSS running, and that’s the spirit of FOSS.

    Now, I’m fully in favor of for-profit companies funding and supporting projects. They’re making money off FOSS, and should roll that down. All of the same trickle-down issues apply, and certainly it introduces the same perverse incentives, but greed should have a cost, and all for-profit companies are by definition engines of greed.