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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • Of course it is. The what neuralink is touting is the exact same situation that company was in. What happened there was they were creating an application for types of rare retinal blindness with the hopes that some other research would magically come along that makes it apply to other types of blindness and give them a market they could properly scale in. Surprise Surprise, no such deus ex machina occurred and the company could not see a path to profitability.

    Neuralink is the exact same, cervical vertebra paralysis has less invasive adaptive mechanisms that are cheaper to implement, so there’s no way this will ever be a profitable approach with that alone. They’re hoping that this will magic into some brain machine interface without any actual hope that is going to happen.

    The basic research just isn’t there to be doing this shit, but the investor dollars need to be put somewhere.

  • It depends on how local we’re talking about. If you build a pipe out of the littoral zone into the ocean with multiple outputs you likely wouldn’t kill much of anything but a few plankton. The intake pipe is often worse than the output pipe for wildlife.

    For a place like, say, the the Persian Gulf, that uses oil for heat desal and gets their intake and output from a sea so it’s all littoral and doesn’t as quickly exchange it’s water with the ocean, of course it’s an environmental nightmare. It’s naturally saltier without desal because of the higher evaporation rate and small comparative inlet size of the straight of hormuz, but at this point its 25% saltier than the rest of the ocean thanks to that desal.

  • can’t just push it back into the ocean because that increases the salt concentration in the ocean which is actually not great and when done at scale

    Only locally, it’s absolutely not a problem globally. That water will go back into the ocean soon enough. We’re not generally putting wastewater in aquifers. The same is true of lithium. Both sodium and lithium form salts that dissolve in water, so over time their biggest concentration is in the water and that’s why we refine it from salt flats.

    I don’t consider the refining of lithium to be a huge problem, other than the fact that it usually just means they’re trucking a bunch of water to the desert for concentration and evaporation ponds (or worse, using the local groundwater in the desert instead of trucking in desalinated water like they should be).

    To put it into perspective, high lithium brine and ore reserves contain about 14 million tons of lithium. Seawater contains over 2 trillion tons. We currently have a yearly consumption somewhere under 200 thousand tons. We won’t be hitting a lithium resource crunch anytime soon, it’ll just get more expensive. If we ever get hydrogen fusion running, we’d have to separate a bunch of lithium-6 which makes up under 5 percent of lithium.