Lemmy is not encrypted, my comments are public, your comments are public, we both know that. Anyone with a raspberry pi or an old netbook can scrape them.
If I use an encrypted service and all of a sudden everything that I thought was encrypted was decrypted by the service provider without my consent? That’s breaking encryption.
If on the other hand I use an encrypted service and they tell me that they can no longer offer the service, my data will be destroyed after X days, and I need to find another way of storing my encrypted data because of privacy invading government policies? That is not breaking encryption.
For many things I completely agree.
That said, we just had our second kid, and neither set of grandparents live locally. That we can video chat with our family — for free, essentially! — is astonishing. And it’s not a big deal, not something we plan, just, “hey let’s say hi to Gramma and Gramps!”
When I was a kid, videoconferencing was exclusive to seriously high end offices. And when we wanted to make a long distance phone call, we’d sometimes plan it in advance and buy prepaid minutes (this was on a landline, mid 90s maybe). Now my mom can just chat with her friend “across the pond” whenever she wants, from the comfort of her couch, and for zero incremental cost.
I think technology that “feels like tech” is oftentimes a time sink and a waste. But the tech we take for granted? There’s some pretty amazing stuff there.
The Gulf of Lesser Canada does have a certain ring to it…
Newer macOS is not Unix certified.
It’s UNIX 03 compliant https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_UNIX_Specification
One or two Linux distros were (are?) UNIX certified, though.
Haha yeah that was the counter example I was thinking of. I agree completely — you could make a Gentoo from source beginner distro, and I think you could make it reasonably “idiot proof,” but it would still be a bad user experience most likely (too much time spent compiling).
If your distro can’t be forked into a “beginner distro” then it’s fundamentally flawed IMHO.
To be clear, I’ve used Arch as my daily drivers for a while, and while it’s not the best fit for my needs (I use Debian mostly), there’s nothing that I experienced that was incompatible with a “beginner” distro.
Oh absolutely; the folks who sat at home, are outraged that a fascist is in power, and are too dumb to understand how voting works to realize that they enabled it — they are infuriating.
It’s kinda a weird take? Like if I’m in a discussion about some scary things AfD are doing and a left-of-center German joins the conversation, I’d like to think I’d have the ability to…you know…hear what they have to say about things.
There are a bunch of Americans who asked for this; there are a bunch who stood by and did nothing to stop it; and there are a bunch who tried to stop it, did not, and are devastated.
I guess at the end of the day it’s just a meme.
You can also drop cache for debugging by running something like echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop-caches
But remember that the kernel knows best — this RAM will automatically be freed up when needed and you should never run this except for debugging (or maybe benchmarking).
I’ve been super happy with it. Knock on wood it’s been super reliable. I have a single ZFS drive, take snapshots with various retention policies, nothing fancy.
Another fun thing is to set up a reverse proxy on it as an endpoint for services on your local (home) network which can only be accessed by VPN. For example, my Jellyfin service isn’t public facing, but I didn’t want e.g. my parents to need to set up WireGuard. So instead they can point their TV to a raspberry pi on their network to access the service — even a first gen RPI can handle Jellyfin reverse proxy over WireGuard for moderate bitrates!
Ah, right, that’s why it looked familiar — pretty sure I’ve seen articles from there posted in one of The Onion communities in lemmy.
Only disagreement from me (in California, USA) is that I wouldn’t diminish the actions of our neighbors to the north by calling them “petty” in this instance. Nothing petty about standing up to a bully in whatever capacity you can. 🫡
WireGuard, and an external HDD. Run at a remote location for off-site backup.
I do this with a raspberry pi 3 at the in-laws. I copied the data over locally before setting it up, and after that it’s just nightly incremental rsync, which is fine even over my slow (35Mbps) upload.
For very simple tasks you can usually blindly log in and run commands. I’ve done this with very simple tasks, e.g., rebooting or bringing up a network interface. It’s maybe not the smartest, but basically, just type root
, the root password, and dhclient eth0
or whatever magic you need. No display required, unless you make a typo…
In your specific case, you could have a shell script that stops VMs and disables passthrough, so you just log in and invoke that script. Bonus points if you create a dedicated user with that script set as their shell (or just put in the appropriate dot rc file).
EulerOS, a Linux distro, was certified UNIX.
But OS X, macOS, and at least one Linux distro are/were UNIX certified.
The network gear I manage is only accessible via VPN, or from a trusted internal network…
…and by the gear I manage, I mean my home network (a router and a few managed switches and access points). If a doofus like me can set it up for my home, I’d think that actual companies would be able to figure it out, too.
But this is a weird thing to lie about — the only reason to implement toner DRM is to get people to buy your cartridges. But if your public statement is, “it’s ok to buy off brand cartridges,” then…well… that’s kinda weird.
Not saying you’re wrong, and they could be trying to have their cake and eat it too (court the anti-DRM crowd but also scare people into sticking with their toner). I’m just saying your snarky/sarcastic response seems unwarranted here.