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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023

  • Oh boy, let’s take this piece by piece…


    First: let’s talk about the difference between copyright, patents, and trademark

    A patent protects a method of doing something - like a novel piece of code, or a newly invented drug formula - from being duplicated and used or sold without your consent.

    Copyright protects creative works - like art, books, and computer software - from being mimiced. It literally deals with the rights to copy something

    Trademark protects brands - like a logo or company name - from being used by other people for profit. It usually deals with marketplace confusion, as when someone creates a competing product with a similar logo to try to benefit from the logo’s recognition and popularity.

    So, with that said, what are YOU dealing with?

    Well, since you’re not selling software or utilizing anything from the WatchDogs game universe, you’re pretty much free and clear on both patent and copyright.

    What about trademark?

    Well, on the one hand, you are not competing with Ubisoft in any way, nor are you attempting to represent yourself as related to WatchDogs. So, by the letter of the law (in the US), they don’t have a valid complaint.

    However, trademark under US law has this funny feature where an entity that holds a trademark is required to vigorously defend it when they become aware of potential infringement. This is to prevent the selective application of trademark. That is, if I know John is using my trademark and I don’t go after him, then Steve uses my trademark too, I can’t suddenly claim to have an interest in defending it when I didn’t care before. Steve can point at the fact that I didn’t go after John and say “you already gave up your trademark by failing to enforce it”.

    So how does this impact you? Well, unfortunately, even if you are technically allowed to use “dedsec” under US law, if Ubisoft has a trademark on the term “dedsec” specifically, AND if someone at Ubisoft became aware of your use of their trademark, they would likely come after you for trademark infringement just to cover their ass. You might even win in court, but it would cost a whole lot of money that you would likely never be able to recover.

    The good news is that the very first step in a trademark dispute is a cease and desist letter. They’ll demand you stop using their trademark. At that point you can either comply, refuse, or offer to settle the matter by selling them the domain.

    What you do with this information is up to you.

  • Troll mode: Rip the first 5 minutes of each movie then splice in Rick Astley

    Troll activist mode: Rip the first 5 minutes of each movie then splice in Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion live reading

    Troll comedian mode: Rip the first 5 minutes of each movie then splice in Monty Python’s The Life of Brian

    Activist mode: Find a set of movies to rename that teach about the harm religion has caused

    Ethical absolutist mode: Refuse to host them, and explain why

    Non-confrontational familial support mode: Give Mom a unique user and make the god movies only accessible to that user

    In all seriousness it depends on what your priorities are. Is it more important to you to provide judgement-free support to your mom so she knows she can rely on you, or is it more important to try to reduce harm in the world by deplatforming harmful media? Or maybe it’s more important to try to teach your mom what’s wrong with those movies and you can come to an arrangement where she can watch those movies only if she agrees to watch movies you choose in equal amounts (since you can track it) to counteract the propaganda?

    What is most important to you?

  • That’s a non-trivial number of devices, so I would recommend a decent router that will last into the future, including service upgrades. Especially if anyone in the house is gaming and streaming movies at the same time

    I recommend purchasing the modem and router as two separate units.

    For the modem, because you have symmetric gigabit service, you’ll need one that supports gigabit upstream. That means the less expensive SB8200 is out. Instead, you’re looking at the ARRIS SURFboard S33. You can also find a comparable product from Netgear, the CM2000

    For your router, I personally like and trust Asus. Their user interface is robust but user-friendly, and their firmware is well supported by the home networking community (including a stellar ‘expanded’ version called AsusMerlin that frequently has features pulled into the official firmware)

    While you could go with an older model that only supports WiFi 5 (AC), those models have reached end-of-life and will only receive critical security updates. Instead, it’s worth spending a bit more for the WiFi 6 (AX) version.

    The minimum you’ll want to support a symmetric gigabit connection like what you have is the Asus RT-AX86U. However, to support possible higher speeds in the future, and to get the most rock-solid performance, I recommend the Asus RT-AX88U. This is what I personally own for my symmetric gigabit connection

    NOTE: There are older versions with the same model number that have extra LAN Ethernet ports (8 total) and no 2.5Gbps port. Do NOT get them! There are known issues when using ports 5-8 on these units

    Again, you could find a similar product in the Netgear Nighthawk brand.

    Anything above that is going to be extra bells and whistles. Things like extra WiFi bands, stronger radios, more 2.5Gbps ports, support for link aggregation, and some one-click gaming features that I personally think aren’t worth the money.

    Depending on the size of your home and your personal use case, you may also find value in adding mesh WiFi nodes to your network. Asus and Netgear both have their own implementations here. Asus’ version is called AiMesh and is pretty seamless. All of their modern routers can act as the primary mesh node.

    Personally I do not game on WiFi, so I went with 3x Asus ZenWiFi AX Mini (XD4) mesh nodes. They can be connected wirelessly to the main router, or by Ethernet to reduce latency. If I were going to be gaming on WiFi, I would have gone with the beefier ZenWiFi AX (XT8) nodes instead

    Hope that helps, and let me know if you have any questions! Happy to go into more detail on whatever you need

  • Based on your edit, what you need isn’t MoCA. What you need is a cable modem and a router (preferably as separate units, not a combo one like you have. Happy to explain why if you care)

    • What is your ISP?

    • What is your current advertised upload and download speed for the internet plan you have?

    • Do you get TV or phone service through the same provider?

    • Is your house wired for Ethernet? Coax? Both?

    • How many people live with you?

    • How many sqft is your home?

    • How many devices well be connected? How many are wired? How many on WiFi?

    • What is your use-case? Simultaneous streaming in 4k and latency-sensitive gaming? Mostly non-competitive gaming? Big downloads? Do you plan to stream content from your home while traveling or similar?

    Help me help you :p

  • Just to make absolutely sure: you are POSITIVE that the device you’ve been renting is a MoCA-WAN router, and NOT a cable modem?

    In the US at least, most of the single-unit devices that receive a coax input are DOCSIS 3.x, not MoCA. They are combining two pieces of hardware in a single physical unit: a docsis modem and a router.

    Prior to having fiber internet, when my provider was Comcast, I owned two separate devices instead of renting the single device from my ISP: a DOCSIS 3.1 modem from Arris, and a standard Ethernet router

    Just want to make sure you are absolutely confident about what your ISP is actually providing before you spend money on new hardware :)

  • I’m genuinely not looking for an argument. My original comment was “yup, this isn’t for me, because it’s too much time/effort”. It only became an argument of sorts when person after person came in to try to tell me why I was wrong for feeling that way?

    Like, I get it. There are different variants and options and arch is mostly for people who want to tinker.

    But my original comment was literally just “well, this post confirms what I suspected: arch probably isn’t for me because I don’t have the time”. I didn’t intend to be pejorative with the term ‘timesink’. Just too much for me. But I’ll admit I probably got a bit defensive after being told I was wrong for xyz reason by so many people on a matter of personal priorities

  • That’s why I put “real threat” in quotes ; I was paraphrasing what I consider to be the excessive focus on FR

    I’m a security professional. FR is not the easiest way to track everybody/anybody. It’s just the most visible and easily grok’d by the general public because it’s been in movies and TV forever

    To whit, FR itself isn’t what makes it “easy”, but rather the massive corpus of freely available data for training combined with the willingness of various entities to share resources (e.g. Sharing surveillance video with law enforcement).

    What’s “easiest” entirely depends on the context, and usually it’s not FR. If I’m trying to identify the source of a particular set of communications, FR is mostly useless (unless I get lucky and identify, like, the mailbox they’re using or something silly like that). I’m much more interested in voice identification, fingerprinting, geolocation, etc in that scenario

    Again, FR is just…known. And visible. And observable in its use for nefarious purposes by shitty governments and such.

    It’s the stuff you don’t see on the news or in the movies that you should really be worried about

    (and I’m not downvoting you either; that’s for when things don’t contribute, or deserve to be less visible because of disinformation; not for when you disagree with someone)

  • I know what you’re arguing and why you’re arguing it and I’m not arguing against you.

    I’m simply adding what I consider to be important context

    And again, the things I listed specifically are far from the only ways to track people. Shit, we can identify people using only the interference their bodies create in a wifi signal, or their gait. There are a million ways to piece together enough details to fingerprint someone. Facial recognition doesn’t have a monopoly on that bit of horror

    FR is the buzzword boogieman of choice, and the one you are most aware of because people who make money from your clicks and views have shoved it in front of your face. But go ahead and tell me about what the “real threat” is 👍👍👍

  • oh I see, you just suck at reading comprehension

    Please go reread the post you replied to. Nobody, myself included, “decided it had to be about the US”. They asked a question. They wanted to know if it could be malicious, and the thing that made them think about it was the fact it’s Super Tuesday.

    The only thing I’ve ever been arguing is that it is reasonable to think about whether BGP could be abused for malicious intent when you realize it’s Super Tuesday. That’s it. It’s a reasonable connection to make that would precipitate the question. They didn’t even ask “is this because it’s Super Tuesday?”

    But go off, chief. Can’t pass up a perfectly good opportunity to let your angst out

  • This is an example of how you can make factually true statements that are contextually irrelevant.

    When a major outage occurs on the day in US politics when 15 states all vote for their party nominees, it’s not unreasonable to question whether there was malicious intent.

    You’re like a “not all men” or “all lives matter” person barging into a conversation, hijacking a perfectly reasonable discussion to push your agenda. Just stop.