• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • What? You’re the one claiming that various metals aren’t infinitely recyclable.

    It’s true that not all metals are, but many of them are (iron, aluminum, lithium to name a few) infinitely recyclable.

    Current recycling technology doesn’t really matter as it can and will improve with time as the brand new industry scales up.

    I’m just here pointing out that your statements are false. That doesn’t need to be meaningful to you if you have no interest in learning, but it’s useful for other people who are reading this thread wondering why you’re being downvoted.

  • Funny because I never said gas was recyclable. You should learn to read before you try to make snide comments.

    I can’t get over this. We’re talking about energy and hydrocarbons, and you bring up that said hydrocarbon is recyclable. I assume that you’re talking about the use of said hydrocarbon in the energy sense (which means burning it to make energy) because given the context that’s what makes sense.

    Instead you were talking about a completely different and irrelevant use of the hydrocarbon and then think that’s it’s my fault for not following your nonsensical argument.

  • Dental care, housing deals with cities and the fall back carbon pricing were all done dispite provincial pushback (as far as I’m aware).

    The only one where they worked with the provinces was the daycare, and that took like 18 months for provinces to actually agree on and even today provinces like Ontario continue to drag their feet on.

    From what I’ve seen over the last 3-5 years, the provinces have very little interest in actively working constructively with the feds.

    I don’t know what the current status of the healthcare chats are, but a few years ago the feds were willing to help push additional funding into the provincial healthcare systems, but the provinces needed to agree to terms (I believe the terms were around the money needing to be spent on the public healthcare system and not working towards privatization). as far as I know the talks never went anywhere, and healthcare systems are still underfunded.

  • This article shares the per-capita government alcohol revenue in Alberta vs Ontario showing Alberta coming out on top.

    Does that feel like a strange stat to anyone else? The revenue would be based off total alcohol sales in dollar amount rather than volume of alcohol sold, I know it would hard to correct for that.

    When I looked into this before (and that was hard to do because good Alberta data seemed hard to find, I don’t have that data handy unfortunately) it seemed like Alberta cirizens spent like 5-15% more per capita annually on alcohol, knowing that negates the value of a per capita revenue number since on it’s own it can’t correct for the extra spent per person.

    I would almost want a “government revenue” per “wholesale/retail value” or maybe multiple numbers where it’s “government revenue” per “liter of liquor/beer/wine/etc” and then compare those in both markets.

    Because that’s truely what we want to measure right? We want government revenue to be high, while also not significantly increasing volume sold.

  • most of it…

    • didn’t/doesn’t address housing shortage.

    Not sure what to say about this. This is a failure of every level of government, some levels are more willing to try to address part of this while other levels are actively trying to make it worse. To me this statement feels like it comes from someone who is frustrated but hasn’t taken the time to understand the problem that they are frustrated with.

    • didn’t/doesn’t address inflation.

    Inflation is being dealt with… Things are nearly back to normal levels of inflation. You can’t say that it’s not being addressed.

    • increases taxation as a means to get more income flow to the government

    This is normal and a good thing? I’m also not sure which taxes you’re referring to? Our taxes haven’t really changed much recently.

    • spends crazy(milions and bilions) on S.D.G ideals

    Unless you have meaningful examples there isn’t anything I can say here.

    • makes it impossible for farmers to meet (Co2 etc)regulations
      • and government buys them out…
      • and Schiphol etc buying that land for extra CO2 credit.

    Once again I need some sources on this, this sounds like something you heard and are repeating without taking the time to understand what was being talked about and now you’re trying to pass it off as fact.

    • has crazy ‘sustainability’ demains, which makes international production business move elsewhere

    Not sure what you’re talking about here. Is this referring to businesses “offshoring” the production of goods? This has been happening for a long time and I hope that we can start bring more manufacturing back “onshore”

    • increasing poverty. People requiring food-bank support is increasing, but because of increasingly harsh business environment the food-bank actually obtains less from industrie.

    Yes poverty is up, but not for the reasons you’re suggesting(unless you have some new data I haven’t seen). food inflation is going to be the new norm until the world gets the climate crisis under control. Our global agriculture system is not built to handle the rapidly changing climate we’ve created. droughts, floods and war are likely going to continue to cause price instability.

    • many small/medium businesses are going bust because they can’t repay the corona-loan. (which many have warned is a slow death trap)

    This is also normal? Many economists believe that economic downswings every 7-15 years is good for an economy because it helps wipe out under preforming businesses. if a company took out 60k in loans, and after 4 years hasn’t been able to pay back the 40k they owe (20k was already forgiving), and also can’t find a bank to move that loan to, they are likely not running a very good business.

    I’m glad that we gave these businesses a lifeline during covid, but at some point they need to prove that they can adapt to the new market conditions. No one forced them to take these loans…

    So ya, to me most of this was a mix of unsubstantiated opinion and vague concepts, which I feel is acceptable to call nonsense

  • Sponsors pay more upfront. If creators are only using sponsors than their whole back catalogue is basically valueless. If it costs a creator 2-10 cents a month to host a video (based off S3 pricing), but they only made 1000$ on it upfront when the video was made, overtime the back catalogue becomes a pretty significant financial burden if it’s not being monetized

    Also it’s worth keeping in mind that many people are also using tools to autoskip sponsor spots, and the only leverage creators have for being paid by sponsors are viewership numbers.

    Patreon is irrelevant, that’s just like Nebula, floatplane etc, it’s essentially a subscription based alternative to YouTube.

    Discoverability is pointless if the people discovering you aren’t going to financial contribute. It’s the age old “why don’t you work for me for free, the exposure I provide will make it worth your time”, that hasn’t been true before and likely isn’t here. Creators aren’t looking to work for free (at least not the ones creating the high quality content we’re used to today)