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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • I actually very recently tried it. I’m sure it’s great but something about the UI or maybe general paradigm switch versus apps like Notion really confused me. It looks great though, so I’m sure I’ll give it another go sometime when I have a bit more time to really learn it. Nonetheless, I appreciate the recommendation!

  • The legislation doesn’t specify how websites should verify a user’s age, but options include establishing a digital ID system or services that can estimate an individual’s age based on a visual scan of their face.

    Yeah, that’s a greeeeat idea. People will obviously be totally on board with their computer taking their picture while they’re gearing up to do that.

    Regardless, all laws like this do are sell VPN subscriptions or push people to the real shady sites. As a consistent NDP voter (not that my vote matters in my Conservative riding) I sincerely hope they’re making a show of reviewing this bill before dismissing it. We saw what happens when the NDP tries to move right of the Liberals under Mulcair - it’s a bad move.

  • Great article, but:

    “A user-friendly distribution like Ubuntu can be an excellent choice for individuals wary of privacy and ethical issues surrounding AI,” says Taylor. “It provides a robust and user-friendly environment that minimizes the tracking and data collection you’d typically encounter with macOS or Windows.”

    It’s been quite a few years since I used desktop Ubuntu, but I remember the Unity DE back then being not so user-friendly, at least for someone coming from the Windows paradigm. I’ve heard (but could be misinformed) that it’s gotten even more opinionated over the years. Something like Mint is likely to be a better option for a first-time user.

    Also, I wish the article had mentioned Proton. It states that you may have to be willing to abandon certain games, but that’s far from the reality these days. At least through Steam nearly everything works right out of the box just by enabling Proton.

  • I fundamentally agree with you that publicly-traded corporations are inherently problematic due to the nature of their fiduciary duty to shareholders. That said, I think Costco is clearly the lesser of these particular evils. I have no doubt that given time they’ll turn to shit, but thus far (to my understanding) they at least pay something resembling a living wage and have reasonably consumer-friendly policies.

    Shopping local could (if even possible) be the more ethical option, but most people are struggling and small grocers simply don’t have the margins to generally be affordable. I’m betting very few of them are able to pay their employees anything close to Costco either (if they even care to - plenty of small business owners are greedy in their own right).

    Now if only I didn’t have a panic attack every time I set foot in a Costco …