No relation to the sports channel.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Other way around. Unsupervised OTA updates are dangerous.

    First: A car is a piece of safety-critical equipment. It has a skilled operator who has familiarized themselves with its operation. Any change to its operation, without the operator being aware that a change was made, puts the operator and other people at risk. If the operator takes the car into the shop for a documented recall, they know that something is being changed. An unsupervised OTA update can (and will) alter the behavior of safety-critical equipment without the operator’s knowledge.

    Second: Any facility for OTA updates is an attack vector. If a car can receive OTA updates from the manufacturer, then it can receive harmful OTA updates from an attacker who has compromised the car’s update mechanism or the manufacturer. Because the car is safety-critical equipment — unlike your phone, it can kill people — it is unreasonable to expose it to these attacks.

    Driving is literally the most deadly thing that most people do every day. It is unreasonable to make driving even more dangerous by allowing car manufacturers — or attackers — to change the behavior of cars without the operator being fully aware that a change is being made.

    This is not a matter of “it’s my property, you need my consent” that can be whitewashed with a contract provision. This is a matter of life safety.

  • At one point they were scummy enough to automatically add their referral codes to any Amazon link you see.

    To be clear, that means Brave is ① invading their users’ privacy, and ② stealing money from web publishers.

    The point of referral codes is to reward web publishers for referring users to a product; leading to the user buying a product that they otherwise wouldn’t.

    Your browser isn’t introducing you to a product. For it to insert referral codes for the browser vendor’s benefit is stealing money.

  • Some proposed design principles:

    1. It’s a car.
    2. It’s not a goddamn TV.
    3. It’s not your goddamn ads platform or subscription service.
    4. It is, however, a piece of life-safety-critical equipment.
    5. Because it’s a car, the driver wants to deal with car stuff like driving, navigating, fuel, roads, obstacles, and not killing people.
    6. They also want to make it passably comfortable by messing with the heat or AC, the fans, the windows, and the fucking moon roof.
    7. Messing with your phone while driving is Actually Illegal these days in civilized parts of the planet. This is for good reason: people get killed that way.
    8. If the car requires messing with your phone, or messing with something that is basically your phone, then you have failed.
    9. There should be a big knob with a fan icon on it. Turning this knob all the way to the left causes the fan to turn off all the way. Turning the knob all the way to the right causes the fan to turn on all the way.
    10. If I ever have to use a touchscreen to control the side mirrors, I will become an extremely unhappy ape.