Gotta put my chemistry education to good use somehow, certainly not using it in the IT career I ended up getting in.
Gotta put my chemistry education to good use somehow, certainly not using it in the IT career I ended up getting in.
The premise of the test is to determine if machines can think. The opening line of Turing’s paper is:
I propose to consider the question, ‘Can machines think?’
I believe the Chinese room argument demonstrates that the Turing test is not valid for determining if a machine has intelligence. The human in the Chinese room experiment is not thinking to generate their replies, they’re just following instructions - just like the computer. There is no comprehension of what’s being said.
The Chinese room experiment only demonstrates how the Turing test isn’t valid. It’s got nothing to do with LLMs.
I would be curious about that significant body of research though, if you’ve got a link to some papers.
I think the Chinese room argument published in 1980 gives a pretty convincing reason why the Turing test doesn’t demonstrate intelligence.
The thought experiment starts by placing a computer that can perfectly converse in Chinese in one room, and a human that only knows English in another, with a door separating them. Chinese characters are written and placed on a piece of paper underneath the door, and the computer can reply fluently, slipping the reply underneath the door. The human is then given English instructions which replicate the instructions and function of the computer program to converse in Chinese. The human follows the instructions and the two rooms can perfectly communicate in Chinese, but the human still does not actually understand the characters, merely following instructions to converse. Searle states that both the computer and human are doing identical tasks, following instructions without truly understanding or “thinking”.
Searle asserts that there is no essential difference between the roles of the computer and the human in the experiment. Each simply follows a program, step-by-step, producing behavior that makes them appear to understand. However, the human would not be able to understand the conversation. Therefore, he argues, it follows that the computer would not be able to understand the conversation either.
It’s the difference in electronegativity that makes the battery. That’s why you see lithium and oxygen a lot; lithium doesn’t want electrons, oxygen does want them. Sodium and potassium are very close in electronegativity so the salty banana battery wouldn’t be good.
I’m waiting for the cesium / fluorine battery, should theoretically be awesome. Or extremely explosive
That’s because lithium is in the most electropositive group of elements and sodium/potassium are too reactive for current technology. Theoretically I think Na and K based batteries should perform better as they’re even more electropositive than Li.
(Forgive the spelling error in the picture but it was the simplest one I could find quickly)
“Fully charged in 12 minutes” is meaningless without a capacity.
deleted by creator
Just use a thumb drive
comprehension - the action or capability of understanding something.
LLMs don’t understand anything they read.
Thanks for elaborating. I knew limits were going to show up.
You make a good point, although I would like to point out that one hundred quinvigintillion is basically right next to the number 1 on the number line that goes to infinity. The chance of the monkeys not writing Shakespeare is infinitesimally small. You winning every possible lottery every day for the rest of your life is infinitely more probable than the monkeys not writing Shakespeare.
Care to elaborate?
There’s 100% chance that all of Shakespeare’s and all of Trump’s writings will be started immediately with infinite monkeys. All of every writing past, present, and future will be immediately started (also, in every language assuming they have access to infinite keyboards of other spelling systems). There are infinite monkeys, if one gets it wrong there infinite chances to get it right. One monkey will even write your entire biography, including events that have yet to happen, with perfect accuracy. Another will have written a full transcript of your internal monologue. Literally every single possible combination of letters/words will be written by infinite monkeys.
one will almost surely start typing Hamlet right away
This is guaranteed with infinite monkeys. In fact, they will begin typing every single document to have ever existed, along with every document that will exist, right from the start. Infinity is very, very large.
Here’s all their independent audits:
Escape goat is probably a Trailer Park Boys reference, some of us just like to deliberately mispronounce things in an ironic manner too.
Not that I’m sticking up for T-mo, but how is that crazy? I have a grandfathered plan with discounts and it was $100 a month (taxes & fees included) for 2 people years ago, and it was the cheapest of the major carriers.
Unironically yes. I don’t want my mom or child doing this, and I know how to in a few seconds if I want. Things like this make my life as the family sysadmin easier.
How so?
I use Firefox most of the time, but if I really need to stretch the battery life I’ll use Safari. It seems significantly faster and more power efficient than anything else I’ve used. If it had better plugin support, it’d be my daily driver. Can’t say I’ve ever had issues with it rendering a page.
Did you want to add anything to the discussion or just make a snarky comment? I looked through the paper linked in the article and didn’t see a capacity listed.
A 5C charging rate is great, but it’s pretty useless if the battery is too small to be practical.