If only there was a library for geniuses where I can read in a format that billionaires aren’t able to gatekeep what I read on my e-ink device.
Some sort of website, perhaps one on the internet?
My thoughts exactly. “Meh, it’s WELL within the lawsuit budget, pay and move on being pricks ok?”
Colour me surprised
How much longer until we get cylons and we’re in a race through space for survival?
Well I can hear right now…
Never said they were bad value, but they are spyware
Ya, they’ve been getting bad press for a while now. Will never own one of those.
Wasnt there also something about showing ads while your show is paused now too?
I’m ready to go back to kodi.
Or there’s an LTE chip soldered in there somewhere…
Slashdot still has a good feed of articles. I never quit it 🤣
Sorry I don’t check if a webpage requires 3rd party scripts before I post them for you. Leave it blocked and moved on I guess?
I canceled prime a couple weeks ago and I basically order local now whenever possible. Fuck Amazon. Dirty shit company. It’s easy to forget when you’re buying stuff what actually props the company up.
Oh this is the first time I’ve seen this wiki in the wild, neat!
Oh don’t be silly. It was YOU who got distracted! The laws are for thee, not me!
-The corporation, probably
Doesn’t matter, laws are for the poor, not the rich elite!
You sound like a child. Anyways, full autos are not legal in Canada.
My mistake, I was thinking 100Gb fiber. Even the knock off switch SFPs are hundreds of dollars each.
I’m going to frame your comment and sell it!