China #1
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Cake day: June 10th, 2023



    There is Paul Graham saying exactly the opposite.

    Arguments can be made that Altman is making threats behind the scenes and forcing people to say nice things about him under duress, but 700 people from OpenAI signed a petition to bring him back as CEO, and only 3 wanted him gone. 700 people is a lot to quietly threaten, and none of them have come out to Toner’s defense as she continues on her crusade.

    I’m sure Altman has his own list of sins, everyone does, but I really think that he, and OpenAI by association, are constantly under attack in our new era of corporate warfare. You no longer need to sabotage the actual company, you just have to poison the well so that funding and potential employee base dries up, which is exactly what is happening with the constant stream of attacks against OpenAI. AI is the first quadrillion dollar industry, and OpenAI is the leader. It’s not just companies that want a piece, its entire countries. Look at how the US has to deal with election interference and then look at what goes on against OpenAI. You’ll see the patterns.

  • I’m just going to start reposting my reply to this story every time it’s posted, because it’s the same story being recycled by every tech outlet on the internet.

    This reads as the same shit that was outed during the hullabaloo when Altman was fired, and even then, at the height of the controversy, everyone around him shot it down. Take anything she says with a grain of salt. She’s been critical of the company for a while, tried to stage a coup for the company, and got judo-couped when Altman came back and she got fired. I don’t want to appear dismissive of her or whatever problems she allegedly has faced, but so far she has yet to put forth compelling evidence, and is just beating on the same drum repeatedly. Coincidentally, she is returning to the forefront as the recent drama around the Scarlett Johansson voice model is cooling off, which comes across like an attack to keep pressure on the company, rather than anything with validity, especially when, as I’ve said, she isn’t offering anything new, just the same attacks that failed before.

  • This story is blowing so fucking far out of proportion it’s honestly incredible. Just so everyone is one the same page, here is a video timestamped to the voice, and immediately following the voice you can hear the voice from Her as well.

    They are not similar other than they are both female.

    The whole “her” thing that Altman threw up on twitter is just because the goddamned movie was a touchstone for the kind of thing that they are doing. They weren’t cloning the fucking voice. It’s like naming your new iguana Godzilla. It’s not going to destroy Tokyo any time soon, it’s just a cultural reference, you know, like a meme.

    As far as Johansson goes, she is falling prey to this shit just like every other celebrity that has been railing against big bad AI. There are so many sheisty lawyers trying to get their hands on the first big win from an AI suit that they will say anything to get a celebrity to sue, because if their firm wins, they become the Anti-AI lawfirm that all others will seek in the future. They will print money, but only if something sticks, and so far, nothing has. This will be another case like any other, where they take it to court, and there is no real basis for anything, and it ends up being all over the news and then disappearing like the whole debacle over Sarah Silverman’s book. In three months there will be another case against AI, and again, nothing will stick, because the people putting the bug in people’s ears don’t understand how to use most of the functionality of their cellphone, let alone how generative AI works.