Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.
I’m someone’s favorite.
Oil companies and the ICE manufacturers that rely on them.
Changing production lines to EVs is expensive, and they want profits now. Not later. Line must go UP
My hope: increased costs make people demand domestic manufacturing, companies and governments actually listen and decide import costs aren’t worth it and move all manufacturing back inside their own borders.
Politicians like to bullshit about “job creation” all day, but this, massively expanding domestic manufacturing capabilities, would create more jobs than any program put out since WWII.
From my understanding, it’s how many processes it’s running?,
Could be open tabs, but my Firefox always has at least (3) even when I’ve just opened it.
The system is working as designed.
Nothing to see here, move along.
You know, as much as I hate it… “you know it when you see I but hard to definet” really is accurate.
There’s plenty of things that aren’t outright illegal that are completely inappropriate around children.
And if there are things that are context specific, it gets a lot harder to make a computer recognize a problem.
Audio cues are easy to scan for and computers are pretty good at recognizing sounds, especially in regards to copyright detection (even if their interpretation of “fair use” clause is still fucked 6 ways)
Video is a lot harder unless the computer is trying to match direct images (it’s a lot easier to recognize a still frame from The Avengers when it’s uploaded full size than it is to recognize a slightly warped, smaller cropped version with someone in front of it commenting on the video)
me, thinking of elsagate
First time?
Reach out and touch someone
Same, plus or minus a year.
It took me a week, but I scrambled every comment and post with lorem ipsum and bee movie scripts, deleted the comments, then after verifying I could no longer find any of my original content on any search engine outside archive sites, I deleted the account.
It took so long because r*ddit started limiting API access when they realized people were automating their profile scrubbing.
As I’ve said before about certain countries, if you’re doing everything you can to prevent people from leaving [THING/PLACE] then you might just be shit.
I’ve been getting little bubbles for store/restaurant logos popping up on the map for about a month as I drive, and I assumed that’s what it was. So every time I see one, I make a point to not eat/go there for awhile just out of spite.
One head gets chopped off, two new ones spawn.
As long as you rake in the cash quick enough, you can be rich before anyone realized that you’re the problem.
And now you’ve got money to pay people to beat them into submission when they complain.
Lmao “my industry pays almost nothing in taxes when compared to it’s profits”
Like that says anything other than “look at me I’m a piece of shit with no argument”
Nice to know your industry relies on spinning statistics in favor of corporations, when said corporations are responsible for the issues in the first place.
You can increase government social programs by 30% but if cost of living increases 50%, guess what does fuck-all.
You’re blaming the wrong group here.
“government spending deemed useless as corporate greed exceeds government increases”
Conservatives everywhere: “LOOK SEE I TOLD YOU IT NEVER WORKS”
If you look at the actual dollar amounts that have been “gifted” to politicians in the weeks surrounding key votes that they flipped from their public stance on, it’s… Depressingly low.
Like “this politician sold out 11 million of their voters for less than the cost of a used car.”
Honestly if they decided “nah fuck that, I’m gonna take small kickbacks here and there for the next 50 years as I enrich my own constituents lives and they choose to reelect me year after year because I delivered them everything they need to thrive instead of taking one pathetic lump sum” they would not only make more money (most of them, we can’t all be supreme court members accepting millions in bribes while turning a blind eye to the would-be-dictator our spouses tried to help overthrow the government we work for)
But nah. Like corporate stooges, they are too short sighted and weak to see that long term profits are better than short term gains.
During my “capitalism is the best and everything else is evil” education, we went over supply and demand.
Now, if the things everyone who recieved that education are true, this means that “condo supply high” should mean “prices start lowering to be competitive”
But we don’t see that. We see stagnant prices, or even, on defying all reason, an increase.
As for “Yay capitalism, supply and demand answers all”…
It’s insane to me all the different ways the government procures things.
Just get it straight from the manufacturer. Then if anything ever goes wrong there isn’t the “who is REALLY to blame on this long chain of people” it’s “hey this shit is broken, YOU are responsible for it”
Of course sometimes they do it as a form of opsec, if you distribute parts across many small time sellers it’s easier to hide something than one big order from the primary source.
Also a “I don’t like you/this page/the content and will go out of my way to systematically down vote everything you have done and everything in this particular thread” button.
Any time I fast forward and have to wait for a commercial that interrupted my fast forwarding, it’s an immediate cancelation of the service and I’m on the phone with customer support to try and get my couple of bucks for that month back.
Fuck your shitty service, I’m grabbing my hat and sword.