Those ranchers and farmers might change their tune pretty quick if their ability to sell product hinges on it.
Those ranchers and farmers might change their tune pretty quick if their ability to sell product hinges on it.
Economic resilience, removes foreign control from our key resource companies, creates jobs in country to remove American jobs we’ll be losing enmasse
Only took 40 years to reverse brain drain
Delpoy Nextcloud with the Memories app. It’s a google photos clone that has the Nextcloud ecosystem behind it which means you can replace Drive, Notes, Reader, Podcasts, Hangouts and more.
Its nice, but Memories app as part of Nextcloud is better and Nextcloud completes the rest of the Google suite (Drive, Calendar, Notes, Reader, Podcasts, Hangouts)
If you’re going to put in the time, Nextcloud has more value.
What happened to defunding the CBC there pal, wasn’t part of your argument that the government shouldn’t fund TV or News?
Captcha: What is Madame Soleil’s first name?
Shit is expensive. And Air Canada are pricks.
Seems fair to me.
By missing the mark I think they meant it was glaringly out of touch and supporting the Bozos tech broligarchy.
The deb version is a pointer to the snap in their repos. Nothings being replaced, it no longer exists. The deb version of Firefox in Ubuntu repos is a wrapper that installs snap and has no binaries in it. Has been for 3 years or so.
No jelly or syrup for them
You don’t need special docks in KDE, its all configurable through the default desktop settings. You have enough knobs to make it look like anything.
An interesting caveat I’ve found for self-hosting is that getting server hardware in Canada is harder now that several companies, most notably NewEgg, have decided that any equipment that might have a business use case requires a business account and license, meanwhile Americans can still buy things like rackmount hardware no issues.
You can still get rackmount stuff on Amazon, but fuck Bezos. I’d like a better option. I’ve found some places like AVADirect that will ship to Canada, but not any Canadian businesses that sell that stuff to normal Canadians.
That would be an interesting list.
Ok, and are you saying that to the OP, or China? Wasn’t much context there.
This apparently translates to “hang your mother”
most likely a bot.
In my experience, the same fake albums show up on Deezer as Spotify. Frankly, I think the best way is Bandcamp. For for an album, download it forever. Stop paying to listen to the same music over and over and get DRM free tracks you can listen to your way while giving the money to the artists selling their albums directly.
Its supposed to be illegal for banks to be in “sales” but my wife was working for BMO and they were forcing her to prioritize outbound cold calls ans upselling products the customer didnt need and would clearly be bad for their financials as a Personal Banking Assistant. The conflict of interest was so great it stressed her right the fuck out and she had to take leave and start therapy. Her MS also spiked likely due to the stress levels. She was there to help people, and she made the bank earn loyal customers and they willing got more products from the bank because she helped them. She was the top performer at the bank if she just let her do the job she was there to do, but instead her boss started ragging on her daily about her cold calling numbers and forcing her to cancel necessary appointments and focus time to deal with customer requests and instead prioritize sales.
In the end her numbers dropped, her customer satisfaction dropped, and her MS got worse from the stress and she’s now on long term leave, uncertain if she’ll recover her focus and able to go back to work. Her neurologist has said she cannot go back for now.
Not sure how that bullshit helped the bank, but I can sure see how I didn’t, and I may be wrong but I think there are laws against it.
Also worth noting that this change in tactics happened right at the same time BMO took all their “we’re here to help” signage down. Brings so many memories of Google dropping the “don’t be evil”. Everything that came after in both cases was shit.
EDIT: Oh looks like CBC did an article on this now because it is so prolific. https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/banks-upselling-go-public-1.4023575
Mandrake was my first Linux OS.