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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • In terms of social values left. Even the last conservative prime minister was smart enough to keep his opinions to himself and not try to push evangelical policies, he knew he would lose.

    In terms of economics… well the average person globally doesn’t know the difference between monatary policy, fiscal policy, and their own asshole. Currently Canadians are being promised a magical fix all solution with absolutely no details, but they sure are angry that things are expensive, so at the moment right.

  • As a canadian id be happy if we met the 2% gdp target, as an engineer i see it as public spending to help boost our high tech industries and prevent skilled workers from packing up and leaving.

    But the government needs to carve out an agreement as a part of NORAD where canadian companies can sell defence products to the US without being american owned and 51% american operated… otherwise were just paying money to lose industries and the biggest purchases most of our governments will ever make just go to building industries and jobs in other countries. Imo thats why we currently dont hit the spending target, wheres the economic benefit in an age of economic problems?