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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024


  • I’ll take “Organizations that made it to the top by doing something different, only to fall under leadership that doesn’t understand what made them successful and descend into ruins” for 200, Alex.

    Seriously, Jeopardy team - this is a rich category:

    • Netflix advertisements.
    • Zoom mandates staff return to offices.
    • Microsoft forgets what the “P” in “PC” stands for.
    • Toys R Us implements a shitty holiday gift returns policy.
    • Sears decides to sacrifice reputation for quarterly stock price gains.
    • Walgreens decides bottom-of-the-barrel incompetent pharmacists can uphold their “get it all done in one visit” secret sauce.
    • Radio Shack decides that once-every-two-years cellphone contract sales are the future for holding passionate electronics hobbyists’ loyalty.

  • I’ve heard this a few times lately. It makes me curious how recent the impenetrable experience was.

    I’m shocked at the idea that an average Windows user who tried this year’s version of Debian Stable would find it even mildly confusing, much less impenetrable.

    I switch between Windows 10 and Debian 12 Stable, daily.

    I find that, on Debian, all the expected features are in the same spots, acting the same ways.

    Disclaimer: I don’t have an Nvidia graphics card to cause me headaches.

    And I do understand that depending on hardware, installation can be tough. That’s true with Windows, too, of course. At least installation doesn’t have to be an issue for new purchases, since enough PCs can now ship with either pre-installed.

  • Annoying stuff, but I’ve suspected for awhile.

    My personal blog is life changing, but y’all will never find it, at this rate. /Sarcasm

    More seriously, a decade ago my personal blog was the number one article on the Internet for like 3 deeply esoteric technical topics. Neat.

    At some point, that stopped happening. I didn’t give it serious thought, because those articles were never meant for anything but my personal reference, anyway.

    But it made me wonder what was going on with the algorithms.

    On one hand, I figure people can just go to stack overflow. Except, I don’t participate in SO, because they’re a bunch of tossers. But then, I figure someone else can just copy my write-up into Stack Overflow. Except, no one does, anymore, probably because they can’t find my blog either.

    Again, my blog is mostly useless shit. So maybe the algorithm was just doing it’s job. But I’ve wondered for awhile if the Internet wasn’t just plain better a decade ago when search actually worked.

    Whose blogs was I missing out on? Now I find stuff like that through Mastodon, but it still isn’t targeted topical search, yet.

    I need to get in on that web ring action going on.