Available image generators are already capable of generating those images and they weren’t even trained on it. Once a neural network can detect/generate two separate concepts, it can detect/generate the overlap. It won’t be as fine-tuned obviously, but can still turn out scarily accurate.
Torrents are already very hard to block. You don’t actually need a tracker, because all modern torrent clients support DHT (distributed hash table). You only need some way to get the initial hash for a torrent, so that’s where trackers are still useful, but once you’re connected to the swarm, you can only be blocked if the entire swarm is blocked.
Tracking though… It’s too easy to get IP addresses for the entire swarm and I don’t see how you could ever fix that. Tor doesn’t really solve that issue either, it just moves it to places where you won’t get in legal trouble or to people who don’t mind getting in legal trouble, a bit like VPN providers.