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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024

  • That sentence and headline are completely wrong though. Tires already are one of the greatest emitters of particulate matter even with ICE cars in mind, because this is a general car issue and cannot really be directly resolved. An improvement would be less weight. If cars were smaller and consequently lighter, then they’d pollute less. But unfortunately we are still going the opposite direction and cars are still getting fatter and fatter, just like the people driving them.

  • Oh I agree. I typically put “AI” in quotation marks when using that term regarding LLMs, because to me they simply are not intelligent in anyway. In my mind an AI would need an actual level of consciousness of sorts, the ability to form actual thoughts and learn things freely based on whatever senses it has. But AI is a term that’s good for marketing as well as fear mongering, which we see a lot of in current news cycles and on social media. The problem is that most people do not even understand the basic principles of how LLMs work, which lead to a lot of misconceptions about its uses & misuses and what we should do about it. Weirdly enough this makes LLMs both completely overhyped as a product and completely stigmatized as some nefarious tool as well. But I guess it fits into our today’s societies that kinda seem to have lost all nuance and reason.

  • It started to really improve after I think the 3.5 update, before that it was indeed pretty bad regarding performance. The more recent updates also seems to have finally fixed a lot of the more common issues that I was running into. But honestly, the grass is always greener on the other side. Tried Gnome recently again after many many years (pre Unity) and everything was just crashing or lacking very basic functions that I was using in my daily workflow with KDE. The only thing I liked were the smooth animations, but looking polished is not the only thing I need from a DE, especially when you rip out everything else to achieve it.