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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • if is short for input file if is short for output file

    This dd command from the command line is what I use because it is built in and perfectly bare bones for my needs. I like to use the command flag --status=progress to show a status bar while duplicating the data. A word of caution: the dd, or ‘data duplicator’ program is sometimes known as the ‘destroy disk’ program because if you flash the iso file to the wrong disk/drive you can mess up the drive. Use the appropriate level of caution because there is no undo button. You can use the lsblk command to list the block devices on your machine and use the correct device. Quick instructions: use lsblk to list your block devices and locate your flash drive. If the flash drive is mounted (the /sdb/ will have something like /media/files if it is) you can unmount with $umount /path/to/sdb. Once the drive is unmounted you can use the dd program to duplicate the data (iso file) to your drive.

  • I was once like you. You can do it. I like Linux mint. Here’s how to install it: Go to https://www.linuxmint.com/ and see what it’s about. It’s friendly, it’s very Windows like, it just works. Go here for the install guide: https://linuxmint-installation-guide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Pick an .iso file and download it. Go to https://etcher.balena.io/#download-etcher To download the program that puts .iso files on USB drives. Use the Balena Etcher program to burn the .iso onto a USB thumb drive. Put your non-redownloadable files with sentimental value in another drive and remove the drive from your computer. Do not skip this step, order another drive if you have to (INB4 new laptop, but don’t forget this with your other machines). Plug in the USB drive that has Linux Mint on it. Power off your computer. Wait 20 seconds. Power on your computer. Mash the F2, F10, F12, and F5 keys until you get to the bios screen, or get to the bios screen if you know some other way. Find the setting that says something like “boot priority” and put USB drive above your C drive. Save and power off. Wait 20 seconds. Power on. Press F12 or whatever key you need to to get to the boot selection screen. Choose the option to boot from the Linux Mint USB drive. This is where you can test drive Linux before installing. Try ctl-alt-t to bust open a terminal. The terminal is your friend, but not required for the install. Close terminal with the command ‘exit’ or ctl-d or ctl-c ctl-d. Double click the install icon on the desktop. Follow instructions. Choose to delete windows forever from your life and put Linux on the hard drive. Follow instructions, they are no harder than any other wizard you have seen to install software. Reboot. Enjoy. Here are some tips: The terminal is your friend. Commands for learning the terminal, because the terminal can teach you to use the terminal (man is short for manual): man man man apt man ls man cd man vi man nano man less man pipe man mkfifo man rm apt search game —> searches for the keyword 'game" apt update ----> this is how to update your cache. Use it to pull your software updates apt upgrade ----> this is how to apply the updates to your machine.

    —End terminal stuff— You can use your machine in the normal way too, same as any windows machine. Look around and explore. All the stuff in the software center is free (gratis). There’s lots of stuff. No more .exes to get software. Look at www.fsf.org to discover why free software is important.

    If you have trouble you can DM me. I will help if I can. Good luck, you got this.

  • The entire framework thing is not a good value because it costs like ~2000 dollars for a laptop. People are acting like the timeline for use on these things is infinity. It’s not. I have on two occasions went and bought an i3 and Celeron laptop for 100 dollars each. Both of these machines do what I need. Both play emulators, both play videos. I just want to know which use case a 2000 dollar laptop that is modular fits? I feel like this is astroturfing. The laptops have m1 expansion as well. Help me out here. Why is a framework worth 20 cheap and reliable laptops? Inb4 sustainability, you would still be trashing the old parts after upgrading, right? I feel like workstations have so much more value if we are talking about modularity and power. I guess, if this is your one computer to rule them all you might be able to justify the expense, but why not buy a workstation for like 1000 bucks, a 200 dollar laptop, and pocket the leftover 800 buckeroos?