I love when slurs are ‘reclaimed’ by people the slur doesn’t refer to.
Like how we ‘reclaimed’ all those native american stereotypes for sports teams
I love when slurs are ‘reclaimed’ by people the slur doesn’t refer to.
Like how we ‘reclaimed’ all those native american stereotypes for sports teams
For an anarchist you sure seem like you read a lot more Salon.com than Bookcin
Or can you even read at all? The first line of my last comment was only 17 words but it apparently overtaxed your attention span. You spent your entire comment here pretending it didn’t exist.
Yeah, that’s right. I willfully pay rent and I willfully adhere to capitalism. No force used anywhere.
Sorry you said something stupid and got mad when someone pointed it out :(
This is on a different level than anything Snowden released.
Snowden released the fact that the major internet companies in the US literally have full time CIA staff and locked rooms with servers
Why is this on a different level? Is it because they’re ASIANS?
You cannot force someone to do something voluntarily
Instantly disregarded. Completely boneheaded thing to say.
Yeah but it doesn’t affect me and I’m fine with using a racist term because I choose not to think about it. That should make it fine for everyone.
I’m not racist I’m just so tired of all this anti-racist stuff @[email protected]