I’m new to Podman and so far have been completely frustrated by it.
I don’t know if the issue is with the container or Podman since there are just no logs.

I’m trying to run Stirling-PDF, using this command:

podman run -d
-p 8080:8080
-v /location/of/trainingData:/usr/share/tesseract-ocr/5/tessdata
-v /location/of/extraConfigs:/configs
-v /location/of/logs:/logs
–name stirling-pdf

With Docker, I have no issue running the this container. Under Podman the container immediately exits without logs - podman logs stirling-pdf shows nothing.

The same thing happens running the same command with sudo or without sudo but using --rootful. I’ve also tried removing '-e DOCKER_ENABLE_SECURITY=false ' since it’s very Docker specific.

I can run podman run -dt --name webserver -p 8081:80 quay.io/libpod/banner with no issues, so is this something incompatible with the container?

I feel like I’m missing something obvious - like where are the logs?

I’m running on OpenSUSE-Tumbleweed, Podman version 4.9.0

  • ubergeek77@lemmy.ubergeek77.chat
    8 months ago

    You are giving it the -d flag. -d means “detached.” There are logs, you are just preventing yourself from seeing them.

    Replace the -d with an -i (for interactive) and try again.

    Have you completed the podman rootless setup in order to be able to use it? You may need to edit /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid to get containers to run:


    More than likely, this might have something to do with podman being unprivileged, and this wanting to bind to port 80 in the container (a privileged port). You may need to specify a --userns flag to podman.

    Running in interactive mode will give you the logs you want and will hopefully point you in the right direction.