In a Fox News interview posted to his personal X account on Wednesday, O’Leary appeared to vouch for Canadians, suggesting that citizens are interested in joining forces with its southern neighbours.

“I like this idea and at least half of Canadians are interested,” O’Leary said.

“The 41 million Canadians, I think most of them would trust me on this deal.”

    3 months ago

    I’m willing to consider that the number has grown recently, but it definitely wasn’t anywhere near zero before. There are a lot of areas, often very conservative, that idolize the States.

    For example, in the Bible Belt of Manitoba, I wouldn’t be surprised if close to, if not a majority of residents would support this. There’s a independent streak bordering on libertarian, and many are VERY socially conservative. I didn’t spend all that much time there, but I heard multiple people say how they wish they didn’t have to pay for other people’s healthcare. They’re so close to North Dakota, even doing cross boarder trade and many see the higher mean income (sum of all income divided by number of residents) in the US and ignore the lower median income (50th percentile of income).