Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre is pledging that a future government would cut what he calls ‘wasteful foreign aid’ and would not allow funding to go to ‘dictators, terrorists and multi-national bureaucracies.’

    8 months ago

    I feel like I could do Poilievre’s job, watch this:

    • If you make me Prime Minister, I will only spend money on the things that are really important. And I’ll cut spending on the things that aren’t! What specifically are those things you ask? Well it’s the wasteful and corrupt things I’ll cut, and the important and good things I’ll fund, of course!
    • Justin Trudeau is bad guys
    • There’s still time to become the blockchain capital!
    • I’ll only allow immigrants into this country if they already own at least one home here!
    • Aren’t glasses and ties like, so lame!
    • How do you do, fellow poor people (holds up premium brand cup of ramen)
      8 months ago
      1. Why is Justin Trudeau Bad - he will often point out SOMETHING JUSTIN TRUDEAU HAS ACTUALLY DONE THAT IS BAD.
      2. He actually has talked about how to get more housing being built. He has actually talked about things to cut - and why to cut them (like the Carbon tax that has had pretty much zero benefit, but has inflated the cost of heating, transportation, and food in this countries at a time we have an affordability crisis).
      3. Block Chain being out of control of the Government, means the Government can’t devalue the currency (As in cause inflation) By printing more of it on a whim. There is some (unfortunate) sense to it. I would prefer a constitutional reform that would tie the Canadian Dollar back to Gold as it would again, prevent willy nilly printing of money which… drives inflation. And that would generally mean less bailouts, and more cautious action taking that needs to focus on prevention of crisis instead of printing your way out of a financial crisis.
      4. Slowing down immigration is really important. We are adding more people than jobs being added to the economy, and more people than houses can be built. We also have an issue with Doctors. If a person already owns a house here - whatever. But we need to slow down on immigration.
      5. No. But you have to make sure your Outfit provides a sense of you being competent.
      6. I don’t think he has ever said “fellow poor people” But he has certainly pointed out the policies and situations that have driven more people into poverty.

      Instead of Parroting the Media, maybe actually go and listen to his uncut, unclipped answering of the media. Unlike what Trudeau seems to do, Pierre is seemingly actually able to speak a whole sentence without stuttering - almost like he is actually confident in his remark: And that is bloody refreshing.

      Oh. PS - I think Pierre has some bad takes, he is a human being after all. But after these years of Trudeau: This country is in Shambles. Car thefts are up, Government Spending is up, Poverty Rates are Climbing. We have had more Scandals in the last 8 years than in the rest of my lifetime - and they all fall on Trudeau’s Shoulders.

      Love him or Hate him: Pierre is by current appearances more competent of a Leader than Trudeau, and Competent is what this country needs.