For some immigrants, their dreams of permanently settling in Canada have taken an unexpected twist.

    5 months ago

    Very true. The cost-of-living crisis is happening around the world. The main issue with Canada is, and always has been, that it is cold. That’s why Canada is so under-populated. Of course, this also means that Canada will (probably) become more desirable as it warms and more southerly countries become unliveable due to climate change.

    In addition, some immigrants have unrealistic expectations of Canada. A friend of mine originally from Nigeria has family back home that literally asked him to go to a bank machine, take out some money, and send it to them because they thought ATMs just gave out free money in Canada. His wife also doesn’t like the fact that Canada is less socially stratified. Being a university graduate in Nigeria makes you a big man (or woman) and you can lord it over poorly-paid tradesmen and other lower classes. Whereas in Canada, there’s a good chance that your plumber makes more money than you do!